9 Successful On page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

9 Successful On page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

On page SEO is the process of enhancing a single web page’s visibility and position inside search engine results. It involves a number of variables that can be modified directly on the website. On-page SEO’s major components include:

9 Successful On page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

9 Successful On page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

Interlinking in On page SEO

Internal linking, which involves building links within your website and joining various pages together, is a crucial On page SEO strategy. Internal links are just as important for SEO as external backlinks are for increasing your website’s performance and visibility. Why internal connection is crucial is as follows:

Improved Crawlability:

Internal links make it easier for web crawlers to traverse and find every page on your website. You may make it simpler for search engines to find and index your information by logically connecting your pages.

Enhanced User Experience:

By facilitating simple navigation and directing users to pertinent content, strategically placed internal linking enhances the user experience. Users are more likely to stay on your website and interact with your content if they can easily access the information they require.

Link Equity Distribution:

Within your website, internal links transfer link authority from one page to another. Search engines recognize that a page is essential and relevant within the structure of your site when you link to it using appropriate anchor text. This may enhance the connected page’s visibility and search engine rankings.

Follow the golden rule of keeping pages within three clicks from your homepage for efficient internal linking. So, This means that every page should be easily accessible from the homepage in three clicks or fewer, benefiting both visitors and search engines. By strategically incorporating relevant internal links into your content, you can guide readers and search engines to important pages, thereby improving your website’s on-page SEO performance.

9 Successful On page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

Internal linking

Site Maps to Improve On page SEO

A sitemap file provides an organized list of website pages, facilitating search engines to locate and crawl them efficiently. It serves as a blueprint for your website’s structure, aiding web crawlers in understanding the organization of your content.

Sitemaps offer benefits for all websites, but Google highlights specific scenarios where they are particularly valuable:

Large websites with hundreds or thousands of pages:

For search engine crawlers, navigating through several pages can be tough. A sitemap makes it easier to access and index all of your pages, increasing the exposure of your content in search results.

New sites with little or no backlinks:

Although backlinks are very important for search engine rankings, new websites that don’t yet have a solid backlink profile may benefit from using a sitemap to make it easier for search engines to find and index their pages.

Websites with few internal links:

Internal links give search engines a method to go throughout your website. Search engine crawlers may have trouble finding and indexing some pages if they lack internal links. In these situations, a sitemap serves as a trustworthy resource for search engines to find such pages.

Websites with many media files:

Media files in sitemap help search engines find and index them. Routine crawlings may not include all files, like images in a gallery.

You may improve search engines’ capacity to efficiently crawl and index your website by building and sending a sitemap to them. Better visibility, more organic traffic, and greater overall On page SEO performance can result from this.




The HTTPS protocol and using an SSL certificate are essential for website security and can affect how well your website is ranked by search engines.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, or HTTPS, is the name of the HTTP protocol’s encrypted variant. Also, It makes sure that any data sent between a user’s browser and a website is encrypted and can’t be accessed by unauthorized parties.

Here are several reasons HTTPS and SSL certificates are crucial:

Visitor Security:

You may safeguard your website’s visitors’ security and privacy by using HTTPS. It makes sure that any private information customers give, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information, is encrypted and kept private.

Trust and Credibility:

Visitors can tell that your website is secure and reliable by looking for HTTPS and the padlock icon in the browser’s address bar. Their trust in your company will grow as a result, and they will be more inclined to interact with your website and divulge personal information.

SEO Benefits:

Google declared in 2014 that HTTPS would be a modest ranking factor in their search algorithm. As a result, HTTPS-enabled websites can rank a little higher in search results than insecure ones. Despite the relatively minor impact of this ranking signal, every advantage counts in the cutthroat world of On page SEO.

Browser Warnings:

Major web browsers now warn users when they access insecure websites, including Google Chrome. These cautions may discourage users from visiting your website, which will hurt your traffic and conversion rates. You may avoid these alerts and preserve a seamless user experience by adopting HTTPS.

Fortunately, SSL certificates are easily accessible and available, enabling HTTPS. For instance, a free certificate authority called Let’s Encrypt offers SSL certificates, making it simple for website owners to secure their websites without paying extra money.

By prioritizing website security and implementing HTTPS, you not only protect your visitors but also improve your website’s credibility, trustworthiness, and search engine performance.

Mobile Friendliness

Mobile-friendly design is crucial for a positive user experience on smartphones and tablets. Google considers mobile friendliness important for search rankings. Mobile device usage for internet browsing has increased.

There are various things to think about in order to make your website mobile-friendly:

Responsive layout:

For the best viewing experience on mobile devices, your website should be built to dynamically change its style and content to accommodate various screen sizes.

Mobile-friendly navigation:

On smaller screens, the menu and navigation elements should be simple to use and have buttons or links that are quick to tap.

Compressed images:

Your website’s images should be mobile device optimized to ensure that they load quickly without sacrificing quality. On mobile devices, compressed graphics speed up page loads.

Avoid aggressive pop-ups:

Mobile-friendliness might suffer from intrusive pop-ups or interstitials that prevent users from accessing the primary content. It’s crucial to employ unobtrusive substitutes or make sure pop-ups are sized and placed correctly.

Readable font:

Your website’s text should be readable on smaller screens and have the right contrast and font size for comfortable reading without zooming in or straining.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool to see if your website is mobile-friendly. This tool analyses your site and provides feedback on any problems that can impair mobile usability. Google Search Console further offers information and alerts about critical mobile usability issues.

Making sure your website is mobile-friendly not only enhances the experience for mobile users but also tells search engines that it is optimized for mobile use, which could lead to better search results and more organic traffic.

Page Speed

The term “page speed” describes how rapidly a website loads and shows its content to users. It is a crucial component of both user experience (UX) and technical On page SEO. Users want websites to load quickly in the current fast-paced digital environment, and search engines give priority in their ranks to websites that load rapidly.

User engagement, conversion rates, and general website performance are all directly impacted by page speed. Increased bounce rates, decreased customer happiness, and lower conversion rates can all be the results of slow-loading pages. Therefore, improving website performance is essential for raising search engine ranks and enhancing user experience.

There are a number of tools available to measure and pinpoint page performance concerns, including:

Google PageSpeed Insights:

This Google tool evaluates the functionality of your website and offers recommendations for enhancement. It provides insights on desktop and mobile speed along with practical suggestions to improve your page speed.


Popular tool GTMetrix offers an in-depth analysis of page speed and performance. It provides a thorough study that takes page load time, page size, and numerous performance data into account. Additionally, GTMetrix makes optimization recommendations and lets you assess your website’s performance in relation to industry standards.


Another tool that evaluates your website’s speed is Pingdom, which measures the load time from various locations across the world. It offers waterfall diagrams, performance ratings, and suggestions for enhancing page speed.

These tools allow you to pinpoint specific elements that affect the speed of your page, such as big file sizes, inefficient code, slow servers, or a lot of redirects. By putting the suggested optimizations into practice, you may make your website operate better overall and achieve faster load times.

Keep in mind that improving page performance is a continuous process rather than a one-time project. In order to guarantee that your website constantly provides a quick and seamless user experience, regular monitoring and changes are required.

Image Optimization

An essential first step in enhancing website efficiency and page speed is image optimization. Your websites can be considerably slowed down by large, poorly optimized graphics, which can cause frustrating user experiences and prolonged load times. Here are several methods for image optimization:

Use the right file type:

Depending on the qualities of your photographs, select the appropriate file type. JPEG is typically the best option because it delivers good quality with smaller file sizes for photographic images or images with numerous colors. Consider using PNG or SVG file formats for images with clear lines and large regions of a single color, such as logos or illustrations.

Resize your images:

Before putting them on your website, scale your photographs to the desired size. Avoid using huge photos and front-end resizing them with HTML or CSS. So, You can minimize the file size and only load what is required for the user’s screen by shrinking photos to fit their display dimensions.

Compress your images:

Your photographs’ file sizes can be decreased by image compression without the visual quality being noticeably compromised. Several plugins and technologies are available that can automatically compress your photographs while they are being uploaded. This decreases the size of the entire page and speeds up loading. It’s crucial to strike a balance between file size and image quality.

Consider lazy loading:

Images are only loaded using the lazy loading technique when they enter the user’s viewport or when the user scrolls down the page. This method avoids simultaneous image loading, which can prolong the time it takes for a website to load. You can prioritize the loading of visible material by using lazy loading, which enhances perceived speed and cuts down on total page load time.

By following these image optimization techniques, you can significantly improve your website’s performance and enhance the user experience. Remember to find the right balance between image quality and file size, and regularly review and optimize your images as part of your ongoing website maintenance process.

Image ALt Text

A descriptive text element applied to an HTML image tag is called image alt text, commonly known as alt tags or alt attributes. If a user is unable to access or view an image, it acts as a substitute representation of the image. For accessibility reasons, alt text is generally used to inform visually challenged people who use screen readers to explore web content.

The following are the most important things to know regarding picture alt texts:


Making your website accessible to those with visual impairments depends heavily on alt texts. Also, Screen readers will read out the alt text to convey the image’s content and purpose if it cannot be loaded or viewed.

Descriptive and concise:

The image should be appropriately described in the alt text using brief but pertinent words. Additionally, To give visually impaired users a meaningful experience, concentrate on communicating the crucial details and context of the image.

Keyword optimization:

Alt texts can be used for On page SEO even if their main function is accessibility. Search engines may better interpret picture information when alt texts contain pertinent keywords, which increases the likelihood that your website will show up in results for pertinent image searches.

Contextual relevance:

Make sure the alt text accurately describes the image and adds to the surrounding material. This makes it easier for both visitors and search engines to comprehend how an image relates to the web page’s overall content.

Decorative images:

For purely decorative images that don’t convey any meaningful information, it’s common practice to use an empty alt attribute (alt="") or omit the alt attribute altogether. This ensures that screen readers skip over such images and don’t disrupt the user experience.

Title and Meta Description (On page SEO)

Title tags and meta descriptions are HTML elements that provide concise information about a webpage’s content. They play a crucial role in both search engine optimization (On page SEO) and improving the click-through rate (CTR) from search engine result pages (SERPs).

Title tags:

  1. Include the focus keyword: The target keyword or keyphrase should be used in the title tag to assist search engines determine how relevant the page is to a given query. Additionally, it clearly communicates to users what the page is about.
  2. Be careful about the length: In general, title tags should be between 50 and 60 characters long and succinct. This makes sure that the title is displayed in its entirety in the search results without being cut off. It can be more effective to place crucial keywords close to the beginning of the title.

Meta descriptions:

  1. Provide a concise summary: In search results, meta descriptions—short passages of text—appear underneath the title tag. They should offer a clear, accurate overview of the information on the webpage. Although meta descriptions don’t directly affect rankings, they have a big impact on CTR.
  2. Be mindful of the length: The recommended length for meta descriptions is between 150 and 160 characters. Also, To encourage consumers to click, it’s crucial to make sure that the description is completely visible in search results, just like with title tags.
  3. Stand out from the crowd: Make your meta descriptions interesting and distinctive because they are your chance to persuade readers to click on your website. To persuade visitors to visit your website, emphasize the value proposition of your material, use language that is action-oriented, and arouse their curiosity.

Search engines generate their own titles and descriptions but optimizing yours improves visibility. Preferred tags and descriptions enhance click-through rates.

Feature Snippet for On page SEO

Featured snippets, also known as “position zero,” are unique search results displayed above the regular organic search results on the SERP. They aim to provide users with immediate and direct answers to their queries without the need to visit a specific website.

Following are some essential details concerning featured snippets:


A highlighted snippet’s main objective is to offer succinct, pertinent details that immediately address a user’s query. It tries to provide rapid and practical information without requiring users to go to a particular website.


Featured snippets are prominently shown at the top of the results page for searches, frequently in a box or in a different area. They typically include the page title and URL along with a summary of the data from the website.

Types of featured snippets:

Various featured snippet formats exist, such as paragraph snippets (text-based responses), list snippets (bullet point or numbered list responses), table snippets (tabular data), and video snippets (video material). So, The kind of featured snippet that appears is determined on the search query.

Optimizing for featured snippets:

To increase the chances of your content being included in highlighted snippets, optimize it by providing concise answers to FAQs, organizing it for easy scanning, utilizing headings and subheadings, and presenting data in tables or lists when appropriate.


Numerous advantages, like increased visibility, higher click-through rates, and improved brand authority and trust, might result from being featured in a snippet. If consumers wish to go more into the subject, it can also assist bring targeted traffic to your website.

Featured snippets vary with search algorithms but optimizing content increases chances. This, in turn, boosts visibility and user engagement.


Previous Article:

1- Understanding The Concept of Search Engine Optimization Best Practices

2- Search Engine Working, Google Algorithms, and Top 9 Ranking Factors

3- Keyword Research To Rank Higher in Google Search Result

4- Content Optimization Helps Google to Understand Your Content.

5- Successful On-page SEO Practices to Rank Higher

Next Topic:

6- Off Page SEO and Back Linking Strategies

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